The Native App and Why Your Business Needs One

The Native App and Why Your Business Needs One

As mobile traffic starts to exceed that from desktops, global sales of the ubiquitous mobile device keep rising and are predicted to grow to in excess of US$280bn in 2015, up US$180bn from the same time last year.

The mobile web has its limitations and so native apps have experienced a sharp upturn in number and popularity. Across industry, ecommerce businesses are investing in a dedicated native mobile app, creating more social, personalised and effective experiences for their customers.

According to data recently published in Forbes magazine and online, the use of mobile shopping apps is currently experiencing faster growth than that of any other mobile app category. Another study, carried out by Pixlee (a highly-respected content marketing platform that counts Mattel, Converse and Marriott Hotels among its clients), has looked at the experience of ‘Millennials’ to find out about their attitudes towards mobile shopping apps.

Although there is some disagreement about exact dates, global generational research carried out by Pricewa­ter­ho­use­Co­opers along with the London Business School and the University of Southern California defines a Millennial as a person born between the years 1980 and 1995.

1,600 Millennials were surveyed and the results show that:

  • Almost half of all respondents have downloaded a mobile shopping application

  • Females were ‘slightly’ more likely to have downloaded or used an app for shopping online

  • Retailers enjoy an ‘early adopter advantage’, placing Amazon and Groupon, amongst others, near the top of the popularity lists

  • Multi-brand retailers get a head-start over single-brand apps due to large product ranges - this effect is similar to the early growths of both physical stores and desktop-based e-commerce websites

  • Of the 47% of respondents who had downloaded a mobile shopping app, 54% cited a better, easier experience as compared to that using the company’s mobile website

As every company, organisation and brand is unique, the one-size-fits-all approach is highly inappropriate for creating engaging, content-driven mobile apps. Identifying the individual needs and goals of your company is the first step in modern mobile app development and Brick technology are experts at designing, implementing and coordinating your bespoke mobile strategy.

Please browse our ‘Native Apps’ collection before contacting our team to discuss your exclusive mobile app requirements. Brick technology - for now, for the future.

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